17 November, 2014

BBQ Shakers - Manila, Philippines - October 2014

Purchased on 13 September 2014 - McDonald's Glorietta Complex, Makati City, Manila, Philippines
Consumed on 14 October 2014, McDonald's Parkway Parade, Singapore
Price - 10PHP = $0.22USD
Calories - Unknown

I tried these BBQ flavour McShakers last month together with the terrible Ketchup McShakers.  Both were purchased in Manila, Philippines in a trip in September. I didn't eat them when I was there, because I reviewed Mac & Cheese and Mashed Potatoes when I was in-country and I wanted to save these for when I was going to have some fries with another item.  I still have one untried Shaker flavour in my possession, and I'll get around to reviewing it soon.  I'll leave it unnamed, but it was the most promising flavour of the lot. 

There isn't really much to say about these Shakers.  I have had other BBQ flavoured shakers before, but those went for more Smoky BBQ, almost BBQ sauce flavour, and this just so happened to be completely different to the others I've had before.  Immediately upon opening the package these smelt exactly like a BBQ potato chip seasoning.  Not a good potato chip either, a offbrand, buy-for-your-house-party-but-no-one-ends-up-eating BBQ chip flavour.  Not quite right, but at least you could tell what they were aiming for.  

The same large, chunky piece consistency from the Ketchup flavour returned for these, and the packaging still had about 3X as much seasoning inside than I would ever want to put on even a large fry.  I ended up putting a little too much on the small pile of fries we portioned out for this flavour.  Not surprisingly, the taste ended up being exactly as it smelt.  It wasn't great, it wasn't disgusting, it tasted like a BBQ potato chip. It wasn't overly salty, nor was it overly sweet, with a little more zest to it, I probably would have quite enjoyed it. For the fries that I could shake off the excess, it actually ended up being somewhat good

Rating - 3/5