19 June, 2013

1955 Burger - Seoul, South Korea - June 2013

That's what a 17 hour old McDonald's burger looks like.

McDonald's Korea 2013 - 1955 Burger
Purchased on 13 June 2013 in Seoul, South Korea.
Consumed on 14 June 2013 in Phuket, Thailand.
Price - 5300KRW = ~$4.68USD
Calories - ~511kcal

McDonald's Korea 2013 Receipt

McDonald's Korea 2013 Bag

McDonald's Korea 2013 McDelivery Menu
 Many apologies for the very late review. I planned on writing a review once I got back from Phuket on Monday, but I came down with the flu.  I've only since been able to get out of bed, so the review came a little later than planned.  This is the first of a range of McDonald's food which was flown in for me to review.  My buddy Jason, flew in from Korea for our wedding, and I asked him to pick up the new 1955 Burger for me to review.  Since he was flying into Phuket on the same flight as my wife's parents, I felt more comfortable asking him to buy it, store it, and fly it down rather than them.  My wife's parents love me, but they might think that eating a 17 hour old burger would be a bit too much.  The reason this burger is 17 hours old, and not just 6 (the flight time from Seoul to Phuket), is that they were leaving in the early morning, that mean't he had to buy the burger the night before (as it's not available during breakfast hours), and stick it in the fridge for me.

Luckily, our villa had a microwave!

We were staying in a 4 bedroom pool villa, which thankfully had a full kitchen.  This was useful as I was able to heat the burger up before trying it.  I wasn't so lucky when I had the 3 burgers flown in from Sydney (California, Texas and New York) and I had to eat them cold on a bench at Singapore Changi Airport. After nuking it for 60 seconds, I pulled out the steaming burger.  Though the bun was hotter than usual, it smelt exactly like a McDonald's burger does fresh.  I was also lucky this time that Jason had tried the 1955 Burger only the day before when he ordered mine.  So not only could I try it, but I also let him try it (after a bit of hesitation on his part), to tell me how different it tasted from fresh, to 'old'.

Korean McDonald's is a bit strange.  They don't have promo burgers very often, and if they do, they are usually just variants of regular burgers, like the Deluxe Shanghai Spice. Though they often have limited edition desserts, burgers are much less common. In 2012 and early 2013, they had the same "Australian BBQ" burger which was a essentially a quarter pounder with BBQ sauce on it, this 1955 Burger was the first burger in a very long time which was different.  A variant of the 1955 burger made its way around Europe in 2011, and I was even able to try it in Germany in early 2012, but I saw that this Korean version was slightly different.  The biggest problem I had with the German variant was the strength of the BBQ sauce, I couldn't really taste it at all on the Korean version.  Also, rather than using a "spicy cheese sauce" the Korean one used a mostly mayo/mustard/cheese hybrid sauce.  It was similar to the sauce on the Grilled Chicken Burger, but with a little cheese mixed in, I can say that it worked a lot better with the grilled chicken, as with the beef, it wasn't my favourite.  The Korean one had noticeably more grilled onions on top, so you could actually taste them this time.  Also, for the price of the burger, I would have hoped they gave you more than one slice of tomato, but I guess not.  My friend Jason who tried the burger said that it was 'scarily' similar to the fresh one he had the night before, except for the bun, which had gone a bit soggy after being microwaved.

One more point to take note of, was that when I was trying this burger, the neighbours dogs walked over to our yard. As I didn't want to get sick from eating old meat, I only tried 2-3 bites of this burger before intending to throw out the rest.    I tried to give the dogs the left over half of the burger, but they both sniffed it and walked away.  That might be an indication that I shouldn't be eating 17 hour old burgers in the future.

Rating - 3.5/5