29 July, 2016

Vietnamese Coffee - Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam - July 2016

McDonald's Vietnam Vietnamese Coffee - July 2016
After a minute of filtration.
Consumed on 16 July 2016
Location - McDonald's Buu Dien, Ho Chi Minh Vietnam
Price  - 30,000VND = $1.35USD
Calories - 10kcal

Going to keep this one brief as I found it pretty hard to write a proper review on just a cup of coffee, but this was a cup worth writing about.  During my last trip to Vietnam, I noticed the Banh Mi sandwich for sale on my first day there, but I wanted to review it closer to my departure.  On my 2nd to last afternoon in the country I found a very nice looking McDonald's just across from the central post office, and very near the Notre-Dame Cathedral Basilica of Saigon. This, like all the McDonald's in Ho Chi Minh were converted old buildings so the wife and I felt we'd stop and have a cup of coffee, even if this branch didn't sell the Banh Mi I was looking for.  I placed my order for a single cup of "Vietnamese Coffee" and was asked to take a seat and wait.  

About 2 minutes later a tray was brought over to our table with a cup, filter, a small cup of hot water and a spoon was placed on our table. The waitress placed the filter on top the cup, poured the water into the filter, covered it with a lid and quickly left.  The filter was the standard "Vietnamese filter" which is found all over, which is a cross between a french press, and a drip filter.  The first few drops fed through the filter, then it stopped, with less than a mouthful of coffee in the cup.  I take it that's what the spoon was for, as a quick jostling and movement of the coffee inside started the flow back up. It actually took a good 5 minutes for the coffee to finish it's brew, and we were left with about the equivalent of a double espresso. I gave it a sip, and it was actually very pleasant, but I like both strong coffee and espresso.  It wasn't bitter, and had a smooth finish unlike most coffee you get in Asia.  I'm far from a coffee snob, nor am I a professional  so I can't really try and explain what "undertones" or "fragrance" I was experiencing, but if I had to compare it to coffee I've had before, I would say it was closest to that in Ethiopia.

The Wife however does not drink espresso, and although she still likes her coffee black, we had to cut it a bit with ice water before should could enjoy it.  Adding some cold water simply turned it into an Americano, and it actually still ended up tasting quite good. 

Rating - 5/5